What's New?


Site Updated: Newer & Modified Version Available
This is the newer, modified and updated version of the site. This site is maintained using Microsoft® Front Page 4.0 and is a multi-platform site. It could be viewed easily using any browser, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator or communicator, Neoplanet, Hot Java Sun Browser or any other available browser and with any screen resolution.
The author and webmaster of this site is me myself, Ammar Qureshi. My co-author is a friend of mine Mr. Shahiryar Khan. He is a talented man and has had always suggestions to improve the site at fingertips. We both take pretty much care of the site; the content; design; layout; updates; images; graphics; pictures; etc.
Hall Of Fame:
Hall of fame is a new addition to the site. This section is for the visitors to the site. Tell us about yourself, share your feelings and let the world know you through this site.


Coming Soon: Flash Version

The flash version of this site is under construction and will be available to the viewers very soon. This site is updated regularly on periodic basis. Please stay tuned for the latest updates and news of the site and the major happenings in my life.

Coming Soon: Romantic Poetry

Romantic poetry is being added to the site. Stay tuned for the latest updates.